During these times it is a huge challenge to stay peaceful, stay centered, stay in our own energy and stay out of guilt and fear and all the engineered low states of consciousness that those who would like to be in charge of our world are doing their best to provoke.
Regardless, the Age of Aquarius, with all that that implies and entails, is ON THE WAY.
The battle with the nefarious forces that have been ruling our world for decades is already won and we are slowly settling in to creating a world that works for EVERYONE and not just the privileged few.
During these times, because of all the LIGHT coming through the photon belt from our Pleiadean friends who are part of the off planet group that want to assist us now, in defeating the forces of darkness on the planet, there is a TON of trauma and fear coming up to be cleared.
This trauma and fear must be cleared in order for us to be purified so we can move forward in creating the New Earth that we have all been waiting for for so long.
All that we are going through with the covid scare and all the misinformation coming out from the media, along with all the suppression of true information from doctors and scientists trying so hard to bring us the truth, is creating mass confusion and more fear. the Masks and the vaccines are creating a ton of fear as well as people watch their friends and family take the vaccine, and many are having very negative results.
All the fear and paranoia that is being stirred up is making the situation feel like it's ratcheting up further and further - making many of us feel more and more like things are out of control.
And they are out of control- out of the control of our MINDS that is.
the process that we recommend here at Spiritpath is the path of Clearing your being of past trauma (including past life trauma) and opening up to a force bigger than your mind or ego-
the force of your Higher Self.
Your higher self now more than ever would like to get your attention.
When you can open up to the wisdom of your heart , of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine coming together in the Heart Chakra, it takes you to a much deeper and more peaceful place.
The Divine Bliss we are all hoping for- that we remember from some dim past and some desired future- is on the way. We just have some work to do first...
and part of that work involves learning to be VERY CAREFUL WHO YOU ARE LISTENING TO.
Now more than ever, it's time to look within for the answers.
If you are looking to government, politics, religion or media/entertainment to bring you the truth, you will be sadly mistaken.
The best and only real way to get through these times is to open up your connection to the Divine through your intuition, your inner knowing, your Higher Self, and begin to listen and operate from that place more and more in your life.
EVERYONE of us has a connection to the Divine. Our guilt and lack of forgiveness of ourselves and others is IN THE WAY.
Please consider doing some serious forgiveness work on yourself and others in your life in order to open up the Floodgates to the Divine Prosperity St Germain talks about- the Divine Prosperity and Abundance that is the Birthright of Every Man, Woman and CHILD on this planet.
NOWHERE is it written that suffering is necessary. Being wedded to an economic and political system that does not represent us or take care of us when we are in need is a CHOICE.
We can choose again. And if we are going to live in that Divine Bliss that we all know is possible, where every man, woman and child has his/her needs met and lives in the rich Abundance that the Earth provides for us, then we will need to evolve more humane systems from our own spiritual guidance.
We are up to the challenge.Â
But first, we must do the Deep Dive of the work of Cleansing the past.
After that all things are possible.
Once we clear the trauma of the past, we will never be led down the wrong road and trust the wrong people, unless we choose to do that.
We will intuitively know what is best for us and our families, and Grace will open doors for us - much better and more appropriate pathways than those our minds would have thought up.
But Surrender to the Divine and Forgiveness of Guilt of ourselves and others is Number one on the List of Priorities.
Please contact me if you think you are ready to get started on this road to a better future.
With Love, Joy and seeing all great things possible for us in the very near future.