You can reach me on my email with any questions you may have here.
Alternatively, you can message me on WhatsApp or Facebook by clicking on any of these links.
I am currently based in Mexico, on the West Coast north of Puerto Vallarta near Lo de Marcos and San Pancho (also knows as San Francisco in Nayarit).
I look forward to hearing from you ♡
Now offering a one-session intro of 2-3 hours, consultation plus breathwork. This is a taste of what happens in the three-day retreat.
Deep healing work to explore whatever needs to be released from the past, which may include past life exploration, the Akashic Records, emotional release of any traumatic memories, and work at the DNA level. We will work with your individual higher self to release.
This work brings more of the Authentic You to the table now to meet today's challenges. After releasing old guilt, grief, and betrayals, you will feel so much lighter and more empowered. You need the real you, beyond all the Conditioning, right now. KNOW THYSELF.
It's never been more important to do your Shadow work. Plant Medicine is not necessary to reach those deeper parts of yourself. This is where true power from the inside out comes from.
We have a lot of Experience in the Kundalini Awakenings that are happening all over the place, spontaneously now, as well as many of the unusual ailments the doctors are not equipped to deal with.
Please call me for a free consultation.

These days in the world a lot is changing around us and life may feel confusing and stressful. Sleep disorders, nervous symptoms, strange ailments that baffle the docs may appear out of nowhere. We may wish for a time when we felt greater connection with Nature, and our inner guidance.
When life feels stressful, the ego- mind works overtime to try to make sense of it all, which can create a LOT OF NOISE, when what we really need is to let go into the silence, and allow the true guidance to come through. Sounds simple, but often it's not easy.
It's time to stop looking to the outside for answers and to learn to trust your own internal guidance system, which will always tell you the truth.
Spiritpath works equally well whether you are a seeker for many years, looking to break through to a deeper level of understanding,or brand new - just now sticking a toe into the water.
In a peaceful healing sanctuary, in the magical shamanic state the energy of the Higher Self comes through and its voice is clearly heard. Acupressure, Breathwork and Cranio Sacral work help to create the state of deep relaxation and stress release from which this work between the worlds is possible.
YOU are a powerful creator. The time for Empowerment is now. Do you really want to see your life change? An open mind, patience and being humble about what you "know" - your belief systems - helps a lot.
Think Beginner's Mind.
Shamanic healing works with BODY/MIND/SPIRIT and EMOTIONS..and works well alongside traditional therapy & medical treatment.
Grieving and Loss
Anxiety/panic attacks
Stress Release
Healing Creative Blocks
Quality Life in Sobriety
Adult Survivors of Abuse
Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia
Environmental illness
Aids in recovery from cancer & other diseases
finding more happiness, quality & meaning in Life
Life Transitions:
Feeling safe and Trusting the Universe during big changes.
A note about sessions:
The work is Intensive in nature, and is designed to help you transform your life. This structure is created in order to help the body to adjust to a higher frequency. In some cases more sessions may be needed to bring the work to completion.
Each session is approximately three hours long. The work is structured in such a way that each session builds on the session before, and facilitates a clear and perceptible shift by the end of the series of sessions. The degree to which your world can shift is limited only by the degree of belief and openness to receiving.
This is why writing up your notes after each session is so important. It helps move the material from your right brain to your left, and balances and integrates it.
Don't forget to bring back BOTH sets of notes to the next session to go over them together. Thanks.
I recommend you get a journal to devote to this process.
After each Session:
REWRITE THE NOTES that are given to you and BRING BACK both the original and your version to the next session.
Please drink LOTS of water and take a bath or shower after each session with a cup of apple cider vinegar in the water.
After the sessions are complete:
You may feel some anticlimactic feelings while you are processing the change. Feel free to call or email with any questions or reports.
Please notice and write down any ** dreams ** during and after the sessions.
Additionally, we will plan one more hour to go over the work afterwards.
The work will keep on working for you for six to eight weeks, so please try to get into a routine with Meditation and being in Nature to give Spiritpath work the best opportunity to come to its full fruition.
Also the books and videos in the Resources tab are there to support your healing journey. Please utilize them!
Big Love to you all on the journey with me <3
More about the work:
Are you one of the many people in transition between the Old Life and the New One, wondering what's next? Perhaps you are in a healing crisis, right now. Allopathic medicine falls flat in many of these cases. Healing crises are happening for so many people now to teach us important things we need to know for the next step, to move forward with our mission here at this time.
In shamanic terms, the quest of the wounded healer may be a part of your story.
Knowledge of who you are and why you came here is power, from the inside out, as opposed to power over.
Knowing what your soul has in store for you to do in the important days to come helps to feel more balanced and centered as we grow and expand into the new beings we are becoming.
Please contact me if you are interested in healing retreats in Hawaii to do the work of core healing along with swimming with the dolphins of Big Island. A joyful and spiritually expansive experience!